Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Dear Balgobin family,
My name is Rekha. I do not know Mr. Balgobin neither your family, but I decided to share some comforting news with you because I too lost a loved one in death. The Bible descibes death like a "sting". So the grief and pain that you are feeling is not unnatural. 1Corinthians15:26 shows the Creator hates death, he views it as an enemy.
At a time like this though, persons would be asking alot of questions. For example, Why did this have to happen? Where is my loved one right now? Why do good people die? Will I be able to ever see my loved one again? Interestingly during my time of grief, the Bible was able to give me satisfying answers to ALL of my questions.
Here are 2 videos that can provide you with some answers. Feel free to contact me via my email if you have any questions. Or you can visit the website,[search_id]=1d5f249d-2a81-4e82-8e82-fed94c36e7b2&insight[search_result_index]=1[search_id]=8b3a31f5-8f92-4d57-a367-dc355f5ec79e&insight[search_result_index]=0